Hello! It seems like you have a private link to this web page. Here you’ll find my latest work in an all inclusive pdf as well as in seperate pdfs. Feel free to download but please don’t share. Thank you!
The project titled Family Portraits (2017-2019) begun as a research to fulfill my personal need to understand the new realities created by the connectible devices that we use. Family Portraits series consists of a virtual tour, photographs, statistics, gif files, sound files and videos. The project has been presented at my MFA degree show at Athens School of Fine Arts, and the exhibition “For ever more Images?” at Onassis Cultural center in Athens (Stegi), at the 60th Thessaloniki International Film Festival where it was also awarded at the Virtual Reality category and “Modern Love (or Love at the Age of Cold Intimacies)” at Freiburg Museum für Neue Kunst, Germany.
The series titled Image Eaters is a work in progress that I begun in 2019. It tries to focuse in a more poetic way on image making and image distribution in an era that is dominated by it. The main idea came from the realization of a correlation between images and food!
The series titled Tears, Spit & Cum is a work in progress that also begun in 2019. In this project I try to comment on the separation between our body and our mind whille we navigate through the digital lanscape.
Typology of Waiting is a painting piece I created during quarantine, in April 2020. There’s nothing more annoying than this endlessly turning loaders filing in the gap between two virtual spaces but don’t we constantly wait for something?
According to a statistic study the average internet user in 2019 has 8,5 accounts on social platforms. In this piece created in 2020 I show my own 8,5 faces, but what I want to focus on is the spaces between.